The "Ash-Catcher"
Because sometimes you get tired of spending all day carving an atlatl.

Actually, it's not that (or at least, not JUST that). Sometimes I'll be walking along and see a shape that's just begging to be turned into an atlatl with a minimum of effort. This is one of those cases. While wandering through a dollar store, I happened to look at the incense burners and something clicked. I picked up a few of the 10" ones, and in a different store I found some 19" ones. All it takes is a little drilling to enlarge the hole for the incense stick, a hole through the bottom for the wrist strap, a piece of leather strap, a piece of a chopstick, and voila! You've got an atlatl. The little ones are good arrow-flickers for kids, while the larger ones will actually work with a full-sized dart (but use a light one, they are flexible).

Long  Ash-Catchers
19" Ash-Catcher

Short Ash-Catchers
Short Ash-Catchers

Close-up of Peg
Close-up of Peg

These are cheap, take almost no effort, and come in a variety of colors and paint styles. If you're looking for something to mass-produce, you can't do much better.

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